Sunday, October 21, 2012

Some thoughts:

Cultural influence shapes most everything we do and the way we act.  It is things like fads, ideas of beauty, influence from the media, education (and/or lack of education), and influences from family and peers that cause us to become disembodied.  Fads shape our body awareness toward outer and visual appearances.  However, only so much of our bodies can be seen, this causes a gap in our disembodiments.  Cultural ideas of beauty place us under a lot of stress. Much like fads, beauty is usually only concerned with outward appearances, we also force ourselves to do things our bodies shouldn't to stay physically beautiful.  Media influences are possibly the most detrimental to our embodiment.  Commercials attack us psychologically by showing us beautiful women and gym-fit men on the television to make us feel bad about ourselves.  Every commercial we see tells us that there is something wrong with our bodies.  They then show fast food commercials so that we may gorge ourselves unhealthily because "no matter what we do something is always wrong, so we might as well eat cheap, unhealthy food because we'll never look like that anyways."  In lines at the grocery store as we're checking out they have dieting and celebrity magazines depicting "beautiful" people and dieting tips.  The list of media influences goes on causing significant disembodiment.  in scholastic settings we're always typically seated, hunched over, and doing work.  This is occurs as we're physically developing causing developmental problems and a lack of exercise which could be related to the obesity problem America is facing.  Finally there are the family and peer influences. These can be both beneficial and detrimental.  They're beneficial if you are associated with active and creative people who don't sit and play video games and watch TV during all hours of the night. And detrimental by associating with people who do do those things because our behaviors and actions are associated with the people we are around often.  

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Project Reform

Thanks everyone for your feedback, I have now narrowed the topic of my paper to a problem and a solution.

So my project evolved into this:

The Problem:
 Obesity is the largest problem in America, it has taken over smoking as the leading cause of death in the US with over 500,000 deaths a year and costs the nation annually over 115 trillion dollars in health care.

Questions to Address in Paper:
What is being done to reduce the obesity problem?
Is Over-eating the real cause of our obesity problem?
Is proper dieting the only way to promote weight-loss and health?
What is being done in our education system about how we approach obesity?
What social implications does our society have in how we opinionate our bodies?
Why do we approach our bodies as holding us back or inhibiting us in life?
How can we approach our bodies differently and with a more complex and holistic understanding?
What can be done to promote proper body awareness that has a lasting effect on the nation's obesity problem?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Project help

1) Zach-
           Your paper topic looks very interesting.  Maybe you could look into Confucian idealism which covers much of the Eastern countries such as China, Japan, Korea, etc.  I think you'll find that the Confucian idea of following the leader with humility might correlate well with your topic.

2) Wes-
           I know you're wanting to do truth in metaphors, have you thought of looking into myths as well?  Myths have very important truths told through "living" stories.  I think you might find William Doty's research on myths will be very helpful.  He has two books, Myth: a Handbook and Mythography the study of myth and ritual.  I would suggest looking into those.

          You have an interesting project, one of which I don't know much about.  I would say if you are writing a paper to include a lot of data charts and what not.  Maybe even look into how businesses are using data visualization in large corporations cross-culturally.

            I like your project idea but I would like to know more about how you're going to put everything together.  I think it would be really cool if you did maybe a documentary about it or a multimedia project based on your findings.

          It seems like you know the direction you want your project to go, it is extremely complex too.  In Daoism, they have a way to understand the body as a landscape and as you probably know already, they view the body as a microcosm of the universe.  Within their body as a landscape they also include the workers the kings as well as various dieties that live in their bodies.  I don't know if that really relates to what you plan on doing but i thought it kind of matched your God within God without thing.  Maybe you would want to look into it.

             As I said earlier this semester about talking to the poeple at OASIS about their little art trading cards they use for when the workers experience emotional episodes.  I think that goes along nicely with what you are planning to do.  Also, indigenous communities such as the Aborigines the Inuits, and more use art in ritual settings to call upon the demons within and make themselves present to the person doing it.  It is a community event that everyone participates in, I think that looking into that may help you get a good understanding of the power expressive arts has on the self.  An interesting video to watch is called Kymatica if you haven't already seen it.  Maybe it can give you some insight into where you could find some answers and questions.